Friday, January 5, 2018

Final Exam Review Sheet

Here it is!  Feel free to take a peek, but as for studying, we will be discussing strategies and then reviewing content starting next week.  Have a great weekend!

1st Semester HWH Final Exam Review Sheet (Click here)

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Memes, DBQs, & Finals

Now that Activity Points are completed, please balance your time between finishing up the reading and completing the DBQs that are due next Tuesday.  If you have not finished your meme background, please contact me so that we could make arrangements (last day in class for 3rd period is Friday.)  PLEASE NOTE: The DBQ rubric is now posted to the website (near the assignment page) and the Final Exam Review sheet will be posted before the weekend (be sure to check the website).  Next week we will go over how to place text on the memes, briefly conference regarding course recommendations, and then review for the final exam.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Welcome Back & Happy New Year!

I hope you had a wonderful and refreshing break.  Up next before the end of the semester and final exam review are the meme projects and a short DBQ project.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Today's Frame - Christendom

Medieval Europe conceived of itself as "Christendom"- God's Kingdom on Earth or a lesser version of the promised paradise in Heaven available to believers and pious individuals.  How did Christian theology infuse itself into all aspects of daily life in the Medieval period?  (think about our buckets)

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Today's Frame - Early Medieval Europe

How did Medieval Europe blend together ingredients from German barbarian culture, the Roman Empire, and The Roman Catholic Church? (Cultural diffusion)?

Monday, November 27, 2017

Today's Frame - Dar al-Islam

How did Dar al-Islam reflect a diverse, yet relatively unified Islamic civilization during the Middle Ages?  How did it find its parallel in Europe's Christendom?

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Today's Frame - Spread of Islam

How and why did Islam spread so rapidly following the death of The Prophet Muhammad, creating Islamic empires known as caliphates?